- Tongue Tie is a term used to describe the high attachment the frenulum on the undersurface of the tongue. There are a number of Frenums in the oral cavity, but only the lingual and labial frenum cause problems.
- Lingual Tongue Tie is a fibrous band of tissue which prevents complete extension of the tongue and is clinically seen as causing a V-shaped deformity of the tip of the tongue.
- It is uncommon that a tongue tie requires early intervention as with growth the problem resolves.
If treatment is required a frenectomy is performed to the release the fibrous band in the midline,care must be taken to avoid the lingual blood vessels. Most frenectomies are performed in teenagers. Recovery is uneventful and tongue extension is normal. - Tongue-tie is where the thin piece of skin under the baby’s tongue, the lingual frenulum, is abnormally short. Some medical professionals believe it can affect the baby’s ability to breastfeed and treat the problem by cutting the skin.
I’ve consulted with dental, mouth, neck and face specialists and all agree that snipping a tongue-tie is not required. It’s quite traumatic for the baby to have a little snip under his tongue. - A better solution is to be consistent with your feeding and let baby get the hang of things. You could also use a nipple shield to add length to your nipple and encourage the baby to suck. Babies aren’t lazy. They want to live and feed. Sometimes they just need extra help. Tongue tie does not cause pain in your nipple. If the baby is not attaching properly place a nipple shield on the nipple which lengthens the nipple and encourages the baby to suck more effectively.