A New Baby – How to Prepare


By Midwife Cath


When you are pregnant it seems like everyone has a comment or story – especially about labour and birth – and it’s generally not a story that offers you the reassurance you are most looking for.


But remember, you are in safe hands with your obstetrician and midwife, so trust the professionals who are looking after you and try not to get anxious during your final trimester.


My biggest advice is to steer away from googling information as it will not necessarily give you the answer to your specific condition and may in fact arouse concerns you didn’t have!


Your obstetrician and midwife are there for you during your pregnancy. Write your questions down before you see your doctor or midwife that way you will fe


Here are some of my tips to prepare for the birth of your new baby:


  • Listen to your obstetrician and midwife only. Whilst family and friends may be well meaning their advice may be out of date or conflicting, which may lead to you feeling confused and overwhelmed.


  • Discuss your birth plan with your obstetrician and midwife – it’s a guide for what you would like in labour prior to the birth.


  • Think about a feeding plan.


  • Read only medical information given to you by your health professional (obstetrician and midwife).


  • Read information on reliable websites. My suggestion would be a major hospital website.


  • Don’t google birth stories or watch birth videos, they may make you anxious. The birth of your baby is unique to you.


  • Always go to the professionals for help when you are concerned about anything during your pregnancy.


  • The baby sometimes moves positions and doesn’t seem to move as much.  It’s important to be reassured that all is ok…. don’t stay home and worry. Talk to your obstetrician, midwife or the midwife at the hospital.


  • Have some time to yourself –  daily walk, meditation or mindfulness helps with preparation for your new baby.


  • Keep healthy. Eat a well balanced diet, drink water…remember you need to be healthy not fit to have a baby


  • Have a rest in the afternoon over the last few weeks of pregnancy – you resting helps with anxiety and gives you time to think about your baby


  • Pack your hospital bag when you are around 30 weeks – my essential list contains: comfortable clothes, a well fitted bra, maternity pads, about 5 muslin wraps (ensure they are about 1.2 x 1.2 metres), about 5 onesies and singlets for your baby, your phone and don’t forget a phone charger.


  • A new baby will change and enriche your life.


  • Enjoy the day your baby is born!