


Rashes cause a lot of stress and panic for parents, but they are a very common side effect of viral infections, and not usually cause for concern. Thankfully, the rashes that DO signal a more serious infection also tend to have their own unique characteristics that help to distinguish them from more common, harmless viral rashes.


When to seek medical advice


-If your child breaks out in bright-red or purple spots or bruises that don’t turn blanch (turn white) when you press on them. Some people use a glass to press on the spots, as this is the easiest way to determine if the rash is blanching or non-blanching. If your child has a headache, fever, light sensitivity, stiff neck or back pain alongside the rash, go straight to your nearest emergency department.


…and how to maintain perspective!


It’s very likely your baby or toddler will at some point scare the pants off you with a peculiar looking rash. Rashes are a VERY common feature of childhood, but a rash in itself is not cause for panic. Many viral illnesses begin with a fever. As your child starts to recover, they may develop a rash. This is actually a sign that they are recovering from the virus. These post-viral rashes do not require treatment. If your baby has a fever in conjunction with a rash, take them to see your GP.


The information and other content provided in this blog, or in any linked materials, are not intended and should not be construed as medical advice, nor is the information a substitute for professional medical expertise or treatment. This blog provides general information and discussions about health and related subjects. Please seek medical advice if you or any other person has a medical concern. This blog or any linked information is not to be regarded as medical advice. In any emergency please call your emergency services in your State or Country immediately.