
Cath does free education classes for everyone thanks to Cell Care  If your parents or brothers and sisters would like to join, it’s free for everyone! Go to Tummy Talks and book your spot. Cath’s Classes – Antenatal Class – Postnatal Class – Breastfeeding Class – Infant First Aid and CPR All classes are free…please book […]

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A New Baby – How to Prepare   By Midwife Cath   When you are pregnant it seems like everyone has a comment or story – especially about labour and birth – and it’s generally not a story that offers you the reassurance you are most looking for.   But remember, you are in safe […]

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Progressive development

The process of normal development   The more new parents understand what is normal is the more they can relax, encourage, identify and celebrate the achievements of their baby, rather than being consumed by worrying about what’s normal and what’s not. When you bring your newborn home, they can immediately commence a small amount of […]

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meningococcal infection

A bacterial infection that can start without warning and become very serious, very quickly, meningococcal infection can cause permanent disabilities and death. One in ten people with meningococcal will die. You must go straight to the ER of your nearest hospital if you suspect your child may have a meningococcal infection.   signs and symptoms […]

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Thanks to the MMR/MMRV vaccine, mumps is not common in Australia, but outbreaks still occur, and serious complications such as meningitis, hepatitis, encephalitis and myocarditis can follow. It’s also highly contagious, and is carried in the urine as well as via sneezing and cough droplets.   Signs and symptoms   -Fever, headache, fatigue. -Weight loss. […]

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